- +223 72 8083 02 [Mali]
- post@kal-adiama.org
Action Plan against the Covid19 epidemic
April 12, 2020, was held in a meeting room of the school of Health of Bouctou – Tombouctou, a meeting bringing together the association Kal-adiama and its partners, Local associations. The meeting opened at 9 a.m. with the words of welcome from the president of the association, followed by presentations by their members. And then the presentation of these partners the local associations.
The agenda dealt with two major axes:
- Updating the list of volunteers of the said association and drafting an action plan concerning prevention activities against the Covid19 epidemic.
- Discussions focused on the common solutions that partnership between associations can allow, as well as the delimitation of potential areas of intervention.

The current objectives of Kal-Adiama are to:
- raise funds for the implementation of the measures discussed.
- raise awareness within the various intervention areas.
- transmit prevention messages and gestures to all the states of society, in order to fight against the spread of the virus (hygienic gestures, safety distances, essential travel)
- disseminate key messages as well as the toll free number of the Ministry of Health.
- Distribute hygiene kits (washing products). The Kal-Adiama associations and its partners undertake to act head-on in the fight against the Covid19 epidemic with the essential aim of protecting the most vulnerable populations, all the more so in nomadic and border areas where the services of first necessities are almost nonexistent. Prevention as well as the distribution of hygiene materials appearing for these areas as priority actions in order to preserve populations.
For this Kal-Adiama is looking for action partners with the fundamental aim of saving lives.