Theoretical training for vulnerable women

Kal Adiama
Kal Adiama

On November 27 and 28, 2021 it was held theoretical training for vulnerable women, organized by Kal-Adiama Association in partnership with Soroptimist International Sweden. The training points were around the fundamental principles of gardening crops, the techniques suitable for each vegetable, planting methods, watering tips and harvests. We mainly targeted the women because of the multiple chocks they undergo and their risks.

In Mali, the situation of women is deteriorating more and more because of the growing insecurity, unemployment, professional inequality and illiteracy in their communities. Despite their resilience, women who are the first victims of Mali’s multidimensional crisis remain exposed to several threats, including gender-based violence with the forced displacement, denials of access to resources, and the marginalization of women. Within this framework, the Kal-Adiama Association has initiated a gardening project for the benefit of the most vulnerable women in the community. In the capacity building and resilience framework, Kal-Adiama has found it very relevant to organize gardening techniques (gardens bases development) in favour of 30 women aged 25 to 60 from the community.

This training comes as a first step in the initial project. Indeed two days have been devoted for this theoretical and practical training session will be planned and organized around January 2022. The training has stimulated a strong desire to practice gardening in all-female sensitivity. After this training, each one of the participants shows a willingness to practice gardening to support themselves and their families. Participants welcome this initiative and thank the partner for supporting it.

Kal Adiama
Kal Adiama
All photos: Bikima Ag Ibnou.